Afterwords: Ten (10) Prayer Petitions

1.      Pray for the power and presence of God.

2.      Pray to be positioned into the flowering and fullness of our purpose.

3.      Pray to be in complete and total alignment and agreement with God’s Will for our life.

4.      Pray for the equilibrium God desires us to maintain as part of a balanced life, including having sufficient time for recreation and relaxation.

5.      Pray for God’s Presence and God’s Peace.

6.      Pray to be released from addiction to busyness and from addiction to being a busybody.

7.      Pray to know God’s mission for us.

8.      Pray to experience a fullness of purpose, feelings of fulfillment and genuine joy.

9.      Pray to be delivered from the darkness of doubts, disbelief and discouragement pegged to our past.

10.  Pray to know when to speak and when to be silent, when to do something and when to do nothing, when to reach out and when to pull back, when to hold on and when to let go, when to move forward and when to move back, when to go and when to stop, when to lead and when to follow, when to give help and when to get help.