Pope invites Catholics to pray the Rosary during May

Rome, Italy, May 13, 2011 (CNA/EWTN News)

Pope Benedict XVI issued a special call to pray the Rosary during May, the month dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
The pontiff spoke at the conclusion of his May 11 General Audience. He exhorted “everyone to intensify the pious practice of the Holy Rosary, especially in this month of May dedicated to the Mother of God.”
“I invite you, beloved young people, to value this traditional Marian prayer, which helps us better understand and assimilate the central moments of the salvation wrought by Christ,” the Pope said.
He then encouraged the sick “to turn with confidence to the Virgin through this pious exercise, entrusting all your needs to her.”
He concluded by addressing newlyweds and inviting them to “make the recitation of the family Rosary a time of spiritual growth under the gaze of the Virgin Mary.”