
Infiltration continues. . . . .

  Personal reflection: The evil one infiltrating through the marxists, modernists by spreading chaos and confusion in the Church.

Interfaith Service. Why?

  Personal reflection:  The evil one infiltrating through the marxists, modernists by spreading chaos and confusion in the Church.

Cease Clapping in Church

  Personal reflection: Personal reflection: Was there clapping at Calvary during the Crucifixion of Christ? So why is there clapping in church?

Bathroom Bills by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

  Hello my name is Mrs. LaTrina LaVado and I’ve been thinking a lot about these Bathroom Bills everyone is talking about.   Maybe it’s just me but first thing, I’d like to see a lot more restrooms built for women because there are never enough toilet stalls.  Whenever we go to sporting events, concerts or any other large gathering of people, there are always long lines of women waiting to use the facilities but I never see men waiting in long lines.    I know the men’s restrooms have those urinal things and I guess that makes it quicker for them to do their business.  So I was just thinking about all this talk about Bathroom Bills that there will have to be a whole lot more women’s restrooms because of all the transgender women wanting to use the women’s restrooms that will make for impossibly even longer lines.   Maybe it’s just me but another thing I was thinking about when I heard about these Bathroom Bills that everyone is talking about now...

Stand Up to Evil!


Dignified behavior versus disgusting behavior

  Personal reflection: Snooping through underwear drawers is definitely disgusting!

So-called “Children’s Mass” is a misnomer

  Personal reflection:   There is no such thing as a “Children’s Mass”, there is only one Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

Is ANYONE Surprised? U.S. Bishops Praise Biden's Expansion of Illegal Invasion Program From Which They Are Banking Millions • Catholic News Agency
