Futuristic Frontier by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


It is unfortunate that small-minded people are disparaging and derisive of the Space Force which was initiated during the Trump Administration and was tasked with “securing and extending American dominance of the space domain”.

It is regrettable that there are people who overtly mocked this endeavor and continue to denigrate and distain this project simply because it was ushered in during the previous administration.

It appears that this current administration is desperately trying to dismantle and destroy all the remnants and remaining vestiges of the Trump Administration. 

There will always be people who are challenged by forward-thinking, bold visions; and choose instead to listen only to their repetitive echo chambers and remain in their insulated bubble cut-off from new ideas.

If new ideas come from the global elites then they are accepted and applauded; otherwise, they are to be rejected and renounced.

Presently the best and brightest minds are more concerned with computer cyberspace than with cosmic space.

It is imperative that young people be challenged, to lift up their eyes from their digital devices, look up toward the sky and the stars above, to see beyond the merely mundane of their social media platforms and set their vision not on insular, self-absorbed pretensions of cyberspace, but on the more rewarding, and truly adventurous discovery of cosmic space.

Society speaks of being culturally “woke” but the youth need to wake-up from their sluggish slumber which has them hypnotically entranced.

This present generation has been cradled and coddled, so much, that they have been spoiled, and are so scared to face unpleasant situations so they seek refuge in their so-called “safe spaces”; when they could be seeking instead the excitement and exhilaration of exploring outer-space.

Instead of merely being satisfied with playing video games recreating the concept of digital space exploration, they could be in reality; living-out, honest-to-goodness space exploration.

Instead of racking up points and making-believe they are heroes; they could instead be living a real life story and being heroic in service to their country. What a thrill! How awesome it could be!

It is imperative that young people be moved away from the dull and depressive demeanor of being dependent on digital devices, to giving them a wider and broader, breathtaking vision, to set their sights on journeying to the moon and then on to Mars and beyond.

As the Book of Proverbs declares, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Advice to the young: Don’t waste your life being muddled in mindless media; expand your horizons, set your sights on discovering the future in space that awaits the bold and the brave.


Marian Casillas, Ed.D.







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