The Holy Shroud Center of San Antonio

The Holy Shroud of Turin is an ancient 14-foot long linen cloth believed by many to be the actual burial garment of Jesus Christ. Mysteriously imprinted on this cloth is the full-length, front and back image of a man with bloodstains corresponding to the wounds suffered by Our Lord during His scourging and crucifixion.
Since 1578 the Shroud has been kept locked away in a chapel of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, and is seen only rarely by the general public.

In April and May of 2010 the Pilgrim Center of Hope conducted pilgrimages to Turin to view the Holy Shroud. During one of the pilgrimages the idea was proposed that an educational and devotional center dedicated to the Holy Shroud be built in San Antonio. The center would feature multi-media presentations about the Shroud and museum quality displays including a life-size replica of the Shroud, a bronze statue of Our Lord lying in repose, photographs, holograms and replicas of the instruments of torture used in Our Lord’s passion.

Your help is needed to make this center a reality!

For more information on the proposed Holy Shroud Center of San Antonio and how you can help, email Pete Remmert at
or call the Pilgrim Center of Hope at (210) 521-3377.

Prayer Support
Your prayers are vital to this effort! Please ask God to show His Will in this undertaking.

Prayer to the Holy Face of Jesus