Reflections on Father Moreno’s Homily for January 2, 2011: The Epiphany of The Lord

Like the Magi followed the Star we are to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

He related about the time he went to Cologne, Germany to visit the Cathedral which had the tomb of the Three Kings. He felt a connection with God; he knelt before the tomb of the Three Kings who had knelt before the Infant Jesus.
During the presentation of the Offertory Gifts a women holding the chalice knelt before Father Moreno who had knelt before the tomb of the Three Kings who had knelt before Jesus. It was truly a touching sight to behold.

He noted that if we were too caught up in the mundane things of this world that we have no time to look at the sky, like the Magi had to look up at the sky to see the Star that would lead them to Jesus. While preparing this homily he had to take a leap of faith and he drove at night to the lake to look up at the sky and see the stars.

He challenged us to look up, look for the Star, the Star – the Light of Christ.

Epiphany means manifestation, revelation.

In our journey of faith we travel towards the Lord.

Like the Magi gave gifts to Jesus, we are to give our gifts to the Lord, the gifts He has given us. We are to discover our gifts; it can be as simple as the gift of a smile.
What will be our gifts to the Lord this year? Prayer . . . Adoration . . . visiting those in nursing homes . . . in hospitals . . . friends.

He recalled his favorite game of his youth the Pinball Machine and said that we are like pin balls rolling around.

We encounter evil and satan in our journey. We are tempted to be distracted from the Light. Ask the Holy Spirit to be our guide and we will be tempted but we will not be conquered.

Our life has to change . . . no negativity . . . no complaining . . . no gossiping . . . letting go of self-pity. God can transform us into new creations.

Our journey of faith is difficult but we must resolve to follow the Star.