October 6, 2016: Del Rio News-Herald * OPINION * Letter to the Editor * Political machines of major parties

Letter to the Editor,

Political machines of major parties

In this country under the façade of Presidential candidates of the two major parties, machines are stalking the voters. The voters don’t know what to do because these Presidential candidates are after them. And no one can help the voters except for a few obscure candidates known as Third-Party Candidates, sent to protect the voters who have been targeted for detonation and termination.

Voters:  How can the two major party candidates for President keep on getting up after so many falls?

Third-Party Candidates: They’re not human, they’re machines; she’s Clinton the Detonator and he’s Trump the Terminator. Underneath the cover of human tissue there’s a hyper alloy combat war chest, private server controlled, fully Teflon-armored, very tough.

Voters: I can’t believe this is happening.

Third-Party Candidates: We came to fight them for the good of the country and all its citizens.

Voters: But the Trumpinator and the Clintonator think they can win.

Third-Party Candidates: Don’t worry; we will protect all of you.

Voters: But the Trumpinator and the Clintonator are inhumane, relentless, and unstoppable. They have only one purpose, to win the Presidency. Our country has become a battlefield, with the voters at ground zero and the Trumpinator and the Clintonator are closing in. An election unlike any we have ever seen before.
These Presidential candidates of the two major parties are like no other. These candidates are extremely powerful, versatile and indestructible; they can’t be reasoned with, they can’t be destroyed, and they can feel no pain, no remorse, and no fear. They have only one purpose, to destroy the future of this country and all its citizens.

Third-Party Candidates: We’re here to help this country and all its citizens.

Voters: But we’ve been targeted for detonation and termination. Why are they doing this to us?

Third-Party Candidates: Your future is in their hands or in our hands. You decide if you really want the Trumpinator terminated and the Clintonator detonated.

Voters: Can anyone really win against these two powerful, maniacal; I mean mechanical forces?

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

Del Rio